Naomi R posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
FF GANG : Fun and Friends from all over the WORLD !!!
7 pictures, 15 nationalities : France, Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Greece, Spain, Jordan, Lithuania ! -
Eléa Castet posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Quelle meilleure façon de définir le dialogue interculturel que la diplomatie ?
La politique est au cœur même du dialogue. Fondé sur la démocratie, notre pays s’est construit et continue de se développer à travers le débat, l’échange et la discussion…
Ces échanges sont d’autant plus enrichissants qu’ils sont partagés avec d’autres cultures, d’a…Read More
Lassus posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Cette photo capturée à Biscarrosse Plage, en France montre plusieurs drapeaux européens, dont la France, l’Italie, l’Espagne, et le Portugal … flottant au coucher du soleil, symbolisant la diversité des cultures.
Estelle posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
I think this BeReal is the best one I took from my ESC project. I was during my birthday, and the longest day in Estonia so the sun never set! It was so pretty and I’m glad I experienced that with all my volunteers friends from various countries. 🫶🏻
Estelle posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Last month, I took part in a youth exchange about Peace. I met youth from Germany 🇩🇪 and Armenia 🇦🇲. During one week we exchanged about peace, war, violence, human rights, gender and migration. Thanks to all the workshops we attended in, everyone could explain their view about this topic. It was really interesting to compare the different…Read More
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Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
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