WAGNE Ibrahima posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Picture of a youth exchange in Croatia with the theme of Theater
Catalin Serbu joined the group
Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Lassus joined the group
Jeunes (France)
Eduardo posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Trying to cross. Analog photo 2017, Aragon, Spain.
My friend left his car parked near a small river, crossed it and we spent the night camping in the forest. We didn’t think it was going to rain that day, it ended in a storm. The next day, when the water had still not stopped falling, my friend and I decided to return earlier for fear that the…Read More -
Naomi R posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
FF GANG : Fun and Friends from all over the WORLD !!!
7 pictures, 15 nationalities : France, Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Greece, Spain, Jordan, Lithuania ! - Load More Posts
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Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Public Group

Jeunes (France)
Public Group