Lassus joined the group
Jeunes (France)
Lassus posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Cette photo capturée à Biscarrosse Plage, en France montre plusieurs drapeaux européens, dont la France, l’Italie, l’Espagne, et le Portugal … flottant au coucher du soleil, symbolisant la diversité des cultures.
Lassus posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
We recently participated in an exchange workshop in Spain focused on the theme of migration. In collaboration with Spanish volunteers, this enriching experience allowed us to delve into various perspectives on the integration of migrants into a new country. The discussions were intense and constructive, providing a unique opportunity to…Read More
Lassus posted in the group Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
A sheet of paper, a pen, and people coming together: this is the recipe for a constructive intercultural exchange on engagement and volunteering. 🙂
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Catalin Serbu


Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
Public Group

Jeunes (France)
Public Group

Youth Workers
Public Group