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Young People
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Giovani (Italy)
Javier posted in the group Young People
Teaching Teens: Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding
Javier posted in the group Young People
Intercultural dialogue
Intercultural dialogue is promoted both by the Council of Europe and the European Union through their policies and programmes in the field of youth and in other sectors, such as Education, Multilingualism, Culture and Integration.In the Council of Europe it is understood as an ‘open and respectful e…Read More
Javier posted in the group Young People
Intercultural Dialogue Among Young People
In an increasingly interconnected world, intercultural dialogue is essential for peaceful coexistence, collaboration, and tackling global challenges. When young people engage in these dialogues, they develop empathy, break down stereotypes, and build bridges between cultures, contributing to a more just…Read More
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Flavia miglionico

Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
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Giovani (Italy)
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Young People
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