Javier posted in the group Young People
Intercultural dialogue
Intercultural dialogue is promoted both by the Council of Europe and the European Union through their policies and programmes in the field of youth and in other sectors, such as Education, Multilingualism, Culture and Integration.In the Council of Europe it is understood as an ‘open and respectful exchange of views between individuals, groups with different ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds and heritage on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. It operates at all levels – within societies, between the societies of Europe and between Europe and the wider world’ (White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue- 2008). The awareness and understanding brought by intercultural dialogue are seen as means of reconciliation and tolerance, as well as preventing conflicts and ensuring integration and the cohesion of society.
In the European Union, intercultural dialogue is seen as ‘an instrument to assist European citizens, and all those living in the European Union, in acquiring the knowledge and attitudes to enable them to deal with a more open and more complex environment'(Decision concerning the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue -2008).
Intercultural dialogue is the political target and framework of educational programmes which have intercultural learning in their objectives or approach. Therefore intercultural dialogue and intercultural learning are two different, not competing, interdependent and interconnected concepts. Moreover, the educational approaches and programmes where intercultural dialogue purposes can be found may not have “intercultural” as an explicit dimension: interfaith dialogue, inclusion of cultural minorities (eg Roma), peace education and conflict management, human rights education, global education.
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Young people. PHOTOS about Intercultural Dialogue
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